Kurtosys Digital Experience Manager

Kurtosys DXM

A cutting edge digital experience platform, specifically built for the needs of global financial institutions


Faster Deliveries


Marketing Productivity


Enterprise Grade

Time to Value

Deliver Faster

DXM provides a complete platform as a service to manage complex financial websites and portals. Underpinned by an intuitive drag and drop page builder, our platform allows GFIs to deliver their digital projects orders of magnitude more quickly.


Compliant by Default

Global financial institutions are subject to an array of regulatory requirements that tax their ability to operate at speed. Kurtosys DXM addresses these requirements, including an array of compliance features including page snapshotting, content expiry, and much more. 


Security and Stability Included

Our platform provides an entire hosting and infosec solution for your digital experiences, allowing you to focus on running your business, safe in the knowledge that your sites and portals are secure and stable


Page Builder

Empower your team to create experiences at the speed of thought with our drag and drop page builder.


Create multiple sites or portals that share the same content library, driving efficiency and streamlining day to day management.

Component Library

Packed with pre-created components, DXM allows you to create modern digital experiences with zero coding.

Media Library

Centralise your media assets for use across your sites and integrate it seamlessly where required

Templates and Themes

Cut down on wasted effort by utilising shared content templates. Site themes allow you to update brand quickly.

Mega Menus

Visually build mega menus and other site navigations, complete with animations and transitions.

Platform as a Service

DXM is a full platform as a service. Simply login, name your site, and a few minutes later your instance is ready to use

Dev, Staging, Prod

Each DXM site instance boasts fully featured lower environments for development and testing


Sites can be deployed between environments with a few clicks.


All your sites are backed up every hour and can be restored in a matter of minutes

Disaster Recovery

Our platform has full disaster recovery included, meaning your site can be on again quickly

Web Firewall

All your sites are protected automatically by Cloudflare’s web application firewall


Integrated SEO optimisation allows you to locate SEO weaknesses and address them.


Create and manage your redirects directly within a user friendly interface.

IP Restriction

Lock down sites and restrict access when required with IP restriction.


Create gated portals with Kurtosys Communities integration.  Add logins, gate content, and distribute secure data.

Data Visualisations

Easily integrate data into sites and portals  via Kurtosys Studio integration. 


Centralise your documents and include them easily via Kurtosys Documents integration


See exactly how your site looked at any point in time and prove it to regulators.

Context Expiry

Ensure time sensitive content is removed on schedule before a regulatory breach occurs.


Ensure consistency by sharing a single piece of content amongst multiple sites. 

Headless Content

Create custom content objects, integrate them seamlessly into your pages, or syndicate to apps via included REST APIs.

Use Cases

A world of possibilites

Build and manage complex financial websites at scale. Blend engaging visuals with rich data visualisations to delight your clients and partners. 

Enable your clients and sales teams to discover the content that helps them through complex buying cycles. Meet regulatory clients and drive growth in your business.

Share sophisticated reporting sets with your clients, enable them to self-serve, and cement your brand. Drive greater brand loyalty and client retention. 

How it works

Your pathway to success



Connect your client and product data sets to Kurtosys via API or SFTP and enrich with compliance or localisation rules. 



Configure your site, portal, documents and more using our intuitive and user friendly toolset. 



Create new experiences and outcomes for your clients and sales teams across the full spectrum of your distribution team.



Use in-built analytics to evolve and enrich your solution progressively with zero custom coding required.

Learn how Kurtosys collaborated with BMO Global Asset Management to build an enterprise global digital experience in six months.