Generali Investments have recently gone live with a new version of their website platform powered by Kurtosys
Back in September 2017, Generali Investments launched a major new website using the Kurtosys platform, as part of a wider digital transformation initiative across three separate sites – a global dot com site, a fund manager website based in Luxembourg and a retail site based out of Germany. That project included a WordPress multi-site experience, covering multiple countries, four languages and three investor types, totalling around 35 individual sites. This represented ‘stage one’ of a larger project which featured on Generali’s digital road map.
The new version went live on schedule in early Q4 of 2018, with the website featuring numerous enhancements – both to the front and back-end of the platform.
One of the biggest updates is the enhancement of the Fund Centre, with expanded fund pages now available for users to drill much deeper into the investment products. The ‘accordion style’ Fund Centre still retains the same snappy filters to allow for quick searching and the ability to add funds to a Watch List. The update now includes a button which takes users to dedicated fund pages which include comprehensive data including performance, risk statistics, portfolio, fees and documents. A dropdown menu allows users to toggle between share classes with that investment.
The changes to the data-driven fund pages involved Kurtosys implementing over 30 components in English, French, German and Italian; with data being fed into Kurtosys from a variety of sources, including directly via Morningstar’s APIs.
The changes to the data-driven fund pages involved Kurtosys implementing over 30 components in English, French, German and Italian; with data being fed into Kurtosys from a variety of sources, including directly via Morningstar’s APIs.
The launch of the new fund tools features on the Generali Investments web platform represents another important milestone on our digital roadmap. As with any complex data-driven project, this update encompasses a large amount of work with a successful delivery from both teams. We will be rolling out more enhancements and updates as we look to improve our investors user experience and engagement.
But it’s not all about data. The new version also sees some design changes and general enhancements to the website, including subtle branding elements which can be seen on the home page.
Visit the site to see the new changes at: